
Whether you have a sprained ankle, lower back pain or have just injured your ACL, our physios take great privilege in the rehab journey with all of our clients. We understand that there will be highs and lows in any rehab journey and having a team of experienced health professionals ready to venture through this alongside you is critical in a positive outcome.
Following injury or surgery there is often a need for a short period of manual therapy to ‘get things moving’ or to ensure optimal tissue healing. In this initial phase, it is critical you continue to maintain fitness and strength around the un-injured areas of your body. This will enable the most efficient return to your sport and daily activities.
As soon as the injured tissue has recovered sufficiently for load to be placed through it, we will prescribe appropriate and safe loads to ensure optimal adaptation. Physio Revolution strongly believes in all rehab being progressed by ticking off benchmarks or KPIs rather than injuries being time based. A holistic rehab is critical for successful return to play or achievement of any goal. With access to Athletic Institute’s high performance and rehab gym, together with their recovery centre, Physio Revolution was formed to be the optimal place for all injury rehab in Perth’s northern suburbs.
Technology is rapidly showing its worth in both high performance and everyday sports and we are proud to include this in your rehab. With the use of force plates, dynamometry, nord board and blood flow restriction training we will provide you with the highest quality resources to facilitate your rehab.
During your rehab, the physio team will liase closely with the exercise physiologists and strength and conditioning coaches at Athletic Institute to ensure high quality and holistic rehab, which will enable you to confidently return to sport.